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God can restore your life.

Mark 5:34

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.

The Bible tells in chapter 5 of verse 25 to 34 of Mark. There was a woman who was ill for twelve years. She was suffering from a flow of blood. She had spent all that she had to the physicians and was no better, but rather grew worse. Having heard about Jesus, she said: if only I may touch his clothes I shall be made well. What she had done and immediately her flow of blood was dried, she was healed of the affliction. This disease had consequences on this woman's life. We see four consequences.

1)Physical consequence.

She was in a lot of pain. Twelve years from a flow of blood, it was not easy for this woman. She was in pain, she was anemic, she had no energy level.

2) Economic consequence.

She had spent everything she owned. She was ruined, all her fortune was used in her illness.

3) Psychological consequence.

She had found no relief but had gone rather to get worse. Although she had spent everything she had, to find a solution, her situation was degenerating.

4) Socio-spiritual consequence.

According to Jewish law at that time she was considered impure, so she was a woman rejected in the society. Leviticus 15 : 19, 21.

What desolation! What despair! All seems over for this woman. But she made a choice with her life. She placed her trust in Jesus Christ so that she could find a solution in her situation that seemed impossible to solve. Having heard of Jesus Christ, she broke down all the barriers. (Physical, economic, psychological, socio-spiritual) by placing her trust in Jesus and braving the crowd so that she could touch him. Immediately she was healed. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering. Jesus restored her life.

What's your situation? Your case is not too great for Jesus Christ, he is the God of impossible. He can also restore your life.

This woman gave a touch of faith to Jesus' garment. Do you want to pray God? Let’s do a prayer of faith.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the life you give me. I know you love me; you are the Omniscient God and Omnipotent too. You know my situation and you have the power to solve it. I can't physically touch you like this woman, but I place my trust in you for the total restoration of my life. In the name of your Son Jesus Christ.


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